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virtually virtual

By now, most of you have taken your classes online or a least played around with the idea.

It can be challenging + frustrating often times when technology is not working in your favor.

Here are some quick tips that may help while you adapt + transition...


Decide on 1 main platform that is best fitted for what YOU offer + for your clients, but always have a backup solution.

  • Youtube - most widely used. It is easily accessible from any device + easy to link to other platforms. You can create your own channel to build subscribers which could potentially make you some income. Best part... it's FREE.

  • Vimeo - great all-in-one platform. It easily embeds with social platforms + your website. You can edit, store, brand, live stream + more all in one place. This platform is expensive, but worth it if you plan to take your entire business online. Plan starts at $50/mo.

  • Zoom - most interactive + accessible. It is great for small, intimate groups where student feel comfortable showing their screen. This platform gives you the most control as far as who joins your class. Zoom has now integrated with a few booking platforms. It is FREE or $14.99/mo for sessions larger than 3 people and longer than 40min.

  • Facebook/Instagram Live - easy temporary solution. Use these social platforms as a way to connect with your students/community. They are not the most reliable + people have had issues when it comes to live streaming non copyrighted music.

  • Other platforms - GymGO, Yondo, Google Hangouts.


Keep it simple + easy for YOU to use.

  • Camera - no need to invest in a professional camera as your iPhone is perfect. Make sure to set to record in 1080p or 4k in your settings. Make sure you have enough storage (you'll need 12 GB for 1 hr in 1080[ or 24 GB for 1hr in 4k) + battery life before recording.

  • Tripod - this will come in handy in more ways than one. There are plenty of inexpensive options on amazon.

  • Background - natural light with a clean + minimal backdrop is the way to go. Choose an environment/background that is unique to you, your personality, your style, and genre of fitness.

  • Sound - equally, if not more important than video quality. Students will listen to your voice + cues more than look at their computer screen, tv or phone. So, sound if very important. Invest in an iPhone mic or wireless lav mic. There are also some recording apps that give you the option to use AirPods or other headphones devices as microphones.


Know your target audience + what platforms THEY are using.

  • Don't spread yourself thin. Pick 2 social platforms + be as consistent + dedicated as you can to those for now. As your brand grows consider adding relevant platforms that will continue to increase your ROI (return on investment).


Consider the current situation, but remember to never undervalue yourself + the services you provide.

  • Donation based - give students a range , so that if they are able to pay for the class they have an idea of what is expected.

  • Monthly subscription - charge a monthly fee where students have access to a variety of your classes. Having a lot of content is needed + crucial for this model.

  • Pay per class - have a set price for each live or recorded class you give your students access to. Give a discount for the time being, if you can, but always state your full price. A limited time discount offer is more appealing + will be easier down the road to increase your price.


The hardest thing to do is to just START. Start putting yourself out there. Start recording your classes. Start reaching new + different audiences. Just start. Because.....

"the MASTER has FAILED more times than the BEGINNER has even TRIED"

-Stephen McCraine



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